Church of God (Singapore) logo


Church of God (Singapore)

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Church of God (Singapore) banner

What does Church of God (Singapore) do?

Spreading Love and Truth through Gospel Preaching & Charitable Services The Church of God in Singapore is a community dedicated to spreading love, truth, and hope through gospel preaching and charitable services. Our mission includes: 1. Preaching the Gospel and teaching according to divine revelations in the Bible. 2. Conducting various religious meetings for all ages, including Lord's Day meetings, bible classes, gospel meetings, and fellowship gatherings. 3. Operating a bookroom offering religious media such as literature, booklets, and audio-video tapes to our members. 4. Establishing and managing a library for the benefit of church members. 5. Acquiring land and constructing buildings in different locations across Singapore for our religious activities




foo kok liang, ding sun yeun, chee yew fai, wan yan ying, ting wei teck, low khim mong, heng kim tee, pek kim bing, kan kok heng, hendy trisnandi



  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1998
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promotes religious education and practice through Bible classes, meetings, and media sales.
  • Provides a community for believers to gather and support one another in their faith.
  • Encourages the construction of places of worship throughout Singapore, potentially contributing to the city's architectural landscape.
  • May contribute to the overall spiritual wellbeing of its members and the wider community through preaching and teaching according to biblical revelations.
  • Offers a library for members to access religious literature and resources.
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