Jane Goodall Institute (Singapore) logo


Jane Goodall Institute (Singapore)

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Jane Goodall Institute (Singapore) banner

What does Jane Goodall Institute (Singapore) do?

The Jane Goodall Institute (Singapore) empowers individuals to make a difference for all living things, focusing on environmental conservation and community development through various programs such as Roots & Shoots service learning, Eco-literacy classes, Monkey Walks, and public talks. Your support is appreciated in making a positive impact on the environment, animals, and people of Singapore.




kenneth chow kok wee, wee li ann, ang hui fang andie, richard lance hartung, vilma ann maria d'rozario, carmen pang, elaine tan po tin, conal mcmahon, teo jo-hsuan



  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2020
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Empowering and inspiring young people to take action for environmental conservation, animal welfare, and community development.
  • Providing educational programs such as Roots & Shoots service learning program, Eco-literacy classes in secondary schools, and public talks on environment-animals-community issues.
  • Promoting a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship among Singaporeans through various outreach activities and initiatives.
  • Encouraging individuals to make a difference for all living things by supporting conservation efforts in Singapore.
  • Supporting the Jane Goodall's philosophy of making a positive impact on the environment, animals, and community.
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