The Music Society, Singapore (SGMUSO) logo


The Music Society, Singapore (SGMUSO)

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The Music Society, Singapore (SGMUSO) banner

What does The Music Society, Singapore (SGMUSO) do?

The Music Society, Singapore (SGMUSO) is a registered charity organization that strives towards creating a vibrant and sustainable music ecosystem in Singapore. Their mission includes plugging gaps within the local industry and promoting its viability while also serving as the country's music export office to secure overseas opportunities for artists. SGMUSO is committed to supporting the music community by providing financial aid during times of need, ensuring that their efforts contribute positively to Singaporean communities.




samantha shirra-moore, loong hian hon (danny), kelvin goh, mohamed shahid bin isahak, chan xian yao, clarence, kevin foo kok wen, david toh ern tien, edwin sugiarto waliman, veronica tan, leong pak kuan george




  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2020

Society Impact

  • Plugging gaps within the Singapore music industry to ensure its viability and sustainability.
  • Serving as Singapore's music export office, promoting local artists overseas and securing opportunities for them.
  • Providing relief and support to those in the Music Community who are badly affected by various circumstances.
  • Raising donations to provide financial assistance based on urgency and need.
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