Singapore Arts Federation, The logo


Singapore Arts Federation, The

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Singapore Arts Federation, The banner

What does Singapore Arts Federation, The do?

Singapore Arts Federation is a charity organization dedicated to promoting cultural integration, maintaining artistic standards, organizing exhibitions, and publishing literary books in Singapore. They aim to encourage participation in arts activities while raising funds for their operations.




lim long hoi, teo chin keong, tan siah kwee, ho chuo sai, tan chong poh, tan tiow siong, seah kang chui, lee chan yoke, yau tian yau, kamal dollah




  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1985
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promotion of cultural integration among various cultural streams in Singapore, fostering a diverse and inclusive arts community.
  • Improvement of standards in the arts through assistance to local artists and groups, enhancing the quality of artistic output.
  • Increased public interest and appreciation for the arts by organizing exhibitions and performances, as well as disseminating information about them.
  • Encouraging participation in the arts by providing resources and support to local artists and groups.
  • Establishment of a cultural fund to provide financial assistance for various artistic projects and initiatives.
  • Creation of an academy of arts, art gallery, and other institutions that promote culture and serve as platforms for artistic expression.
  • Raising funds for the Federation's activities and maintenance, ensuring its sustainability and ability
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