Church of Singapore (Admiralty) logo


Church of Singapore (Admiralty)

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Church of Singapore (Admiralty) banner

What does Church of Singapore (Admiralty) do?

The Church of Singapore (Admiralty) is a charitable organization dedicated to spreading the message of Christ and uplifting believers through Christian teachings. Their mission is to promote these teachings to all, regardless of age or race, in order to win men and women for the Lord Jesus Christ.




lee soo hoon, tan jee hock edward, lee zhi qin glenn, lau tuan yong


No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildren


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1995
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promotes spiritual growth and community building among believers, fostering a sense of belonging and support network for individuals seeking guidance or solace in their faith.
  • Encourages interfaith dialogue and understanding by promoting Christian teachings to people from diverse backgrounds, contributing to cultural harmony and tolerance within the larger society.
  • Contributes to social welfare through various outreach programs such as food banks, counseling services, or community assistance initiatives, helping those in need regardless of their religious affiliation.
  • Supports education by providing resources for Christian learning at all ages, promoting intellectual growth and critical thinking among believers.
  • Engages with local communities through outreach programs and charitable activities, fostering positive relationships between the church and its surrounding
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