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What does God@Work do?

God@Work is a charitable organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through various means such as Christian education, biblical preaching, worship promotion, and community welfare initiatives. The mission is to bring individuals closer to God, build them up spiritually, and send them out into the world to share their faith with others.




andrew timothy robinson, june then, mak siew choy, evangeline florence mok sauk hui


No PovertyEducationHealth & WellnessChildren


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2004
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Spread of Christian values and teachings, promoting a sense of community and shared belief system among followers.
  • Encourage personal growth and spiritual development through educational programs and biblical preaching.
  • Establishment of places of worship, providing spaces for people to gather and practice their faith.
  • Foster opportunities for Christian fellowship, fostering a sense of belonging and support among believers.
  • Training and equipping missionaries, evangelists, and Christian workers with the necessary skills and knowledge to spread the Gospel effectively.
  • Conducting Christian meetings, seminars, retreats, and camps, providing platforms for spiritual growth and community building.
  • Providing counselling services and classes, addressing emotional and mental well-being within the faith community.
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