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Apex Harmony Lodge

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What does Apex Harmony Lodge do?

Apex Harmony Lodge provides residential, day care, and respite facilities for patients suffering from dementia. They offer medical nursing, social, psychological, occupational, and recreational activities to enhance patient well-being. Additionally, they provide psycho-social and educational support to family members and caregivers of the patients. Apex Harmony Lodge is a purpose-built home for people with dementia in Singapore, offering education and research facilities.




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Health & WellnessChildrenEducation


  • Donations are tax-deductible
  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1997
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Providing specialized facilities for patients with dementia, including residential, daycare, and respite services.
  • Offering medical nursing, social, psychological, occupational, and recreational activities to enhance the quality of life for patients.
  • Supporting family members and caregivers through psycho-social and educational programs, helping them cope with the challenges of caring for loved ones with dementia.
  • Serving as a model home for dementia in the region, promoting education and research on best practices in dementia care.
  • Raising awareness about dementia and its impact on individuals and families through community outreach programs and partnerships with local media organizations.

Donation Income

Program Expense Ratio

This is the percentage of the charity's total expenses that are spent on its core programs. A higher percentage suggests that more money is going directly to the cause, rather than being spent on administrative or fundraising expenses.

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