Kuan Im Tng Temple (Joo Chiat) logo


Kuan Im Tng Temple (Joo Chiat)

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What does Kuan Im Tng Temple (Joo Chiat) do?

Kuan Im Tng Temple (Joo Chiat) is dedicated to promoting Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism through acts of devotion to the Goddess of Mercy and Confucius. The temple also serves as a place for conducting religious ceremonies in line with these beliefs. Additionally, it supports various charitable causes such as helping the elderly, disabled, and those in need, while working towards national interests in Singapore.




shankar alan kulkarni, yee kit hong, teo yeow cheow, cheu heng yu, joan soon jia lin, koh kay soon, wee see thong, chong bee leng, soon hwee ling, cheu-chan lian yoke


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  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2010
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promotes spiritual growth and wellbeing through Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism teachings and practices.
  • Provides a space for community members to gather, learn, and practice their faith in a traditional setting.
  • Supports the local elderly population by offering assistance and resources, promoting social inclusion and care for vulnerable groups.
  • Contributes to national interests through various campaigns and initiatives that align with Singapore's overall development goals.
  • Encourages community involvement and volunteerism among its members and beyond, fostering a sense of belonging and shared responsibility.
  • Preserves cultural heritage by maintaining traditional rites and practices associated with Buddhist, Taoist, and Confucian belief systems.
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