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Charity (Korea)

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About (Korea) banner

What does (Korea) do? (Korea) is a unique crowdfunding platform dedicated to social impact, empowering movements that change our world! Their mission is to celebrate life by sharing stories of humanity in South Korea and their vision is to build a community of one million people helping others. Join the movement on Instagram ( or Facebook (




toh yong soon, yim kwok wah, tng keit yuen, yeo peng kwan, seetoh kok yong, ho loon leong, yan meng chye, loy teck chee, chin fook siang, darryl lim ding xiong


No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildren


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1995
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promoting social change and movements through crowdfunding for various causes, enabling individuals to contribute towards making a positive difference in their community.
  • Encouraging the sharing of stories about humanity, fostering empathy and understanding among people from different backgrounds.
  • Building a supportive community of 1 million people who are committed to helping others, creating a culture of giving back within Korean society.
  • Providing a platform for individuals and organizations in need to receive financial assistance through crowdfunding campaigns.
  • Fostering innovation in the non-profit sector by offering unique fundraising opportunities that can help charitable causes grow and thrive.
  • Encouraging people to celebrate life by participating in acts of kindness, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment
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