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Kampong Kapor Community Services

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What does Kampong Kapor Community Services do?

What does Kampong Kapor Community Services do? Kampong Kapor Community Services (KKCS) is a charitable organization dedicated to helping families in need, regardless of their language, race or religion. They provide various programs and services aimed at nurturing the body, mind, and spirit of each family member, promoting healthy family life and community spirit. Their primary focus lies on low-income and needy families with complex concerns within the local community.




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No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildrenEducation


  • Donations are tax-deductible
  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2010
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Improved well-being for individuals at every stage of life, promoting a community that cares and supports its members.
  • Strengthening the cohesion of vulnerable families by equipping them with problem-solving skills and crisis management abilities.
  • Providing programs and services to help needy and low-income families in the surrounding community, regardless of language, race, or religion.
  • Offering care and counseling for the nurture of body, mind, and spirit, promoting healthy family life and a sense of community.
  • Addressing multiple and complex concerns faced by low-income families through targeted interventions and support services.
  • Fostering a safe environment for children to learn and grow, ensuring their safety and wellbeing

Donation Income

Program Expense Ratio

This is the percentage of the charity's total expenses that are spent on its core programs. A higher percentage suggests that more money is going directly to the cause, rather than being spent on administrative or fundraising expenses.

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