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=DREAMS (SINGAPORE) LIMITED empowers promising children from low-income households to break out of poverty and achieve their dreams through a unique residential model providing after-school education, enrichment programs, and holistic support.




gail tan swee hua, poon kai leon, melvin, sharon tock tsu-lin, tan poh leng stanley, laura poh, chua joan keat, au huey ling, christina ai ching tang, mohd fahmi bin aliman, thomas riber knudsen


No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildren


  • Donations are tax-deductible
  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2021
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Increased educational opportunities for underprivileged children, helping to level the playing field and reduce socio-economic disparity in education.
  • Improved academic performance among program participants due to after-school enrichment programs and holistic developmental support.
  • Enhanced personal growth and leadership skills of students through specialized training and activities, preparing them for success in tertiary education and beyond.
  • Strengthened community bonds and social cohesion among program participants and their families, fostering a sense of belonging and shared responsibility.
  • Encouraged corporate and individual philanthropy through donations and sponsorships, promoting a culture of giving back to society.
  • Reduced financial burden on low-income households by providing
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