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Bethany Church (Singapore)

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What does Bethany Church (Singapore) do?

Bethany Church (Singapore) is a charitable organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through worship, service, and community outreach programs. Their mission includes evangelism, pastoral care, teaching, prophetic guidance, apostolic leadership, and operational support for various church activities. By serving God in these ways, they aim to raise up disciples who can impact generations, communities, and nations with Kingdom values.




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No PovertyHealth & WellnessEducation


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2003
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Spreading the Gospel message to reach out to individuals, communities, and nations with Kingdom values.
  • Providing spiritual guidance and nurturing for members towards spiritual maturity and effective discipleship in Jesus Christ.
  • Encouraging evangelism and mission work through equipping and sending members to share the Gospel of Christ globally.
  • Offering pastoral care, teaching, and prophetic guidance to help individuals discover Jesus and develop their spiritual gifts.
  • Fostering a culture of worship, prayer life, and mentorship for church growth and apostolic capacity building.
  • Planting churches as a house of prayer for all nations and impacting communities worldwide through effective management systems and media platforms.
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