First Evangelical Reformed Church, The (FERC) logo


First Evangelical Reformed Church, The (FERC)

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What does First Evangelical Reformed Church, The (FERC) do?

First Evangelical Reformed Church (FERC) is dedicated to promoting and maintaining true worship of God through preaching the gospel, observing sacraments like Holy Baptism and Lord's Supper, fostering fellowship among believers, exercising Christian discipline, ministering to the needy, and defending the faith. Their mission is to be a vibrant, evangelistic reformed church that lives for Christ.




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No PovertyHealth & WellnessEducation


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1987
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promoting and maintaining true worship of God, encouraging spiritual growth among members through preaching the gospel.
  • Observing sacraments such as Holy Baptism and Lord's Supper to strengthen faith within the community.
  • Fostering fellowship among believers for mutual support and understanding.
  • Practicing Christian discipline in case of any wrongdoing or misconduct within the church.
  • Providing aid and assistance to those in need, both inside and outside the Church's community.
  • Defending and upholding the faith as it was delivered to the saints.

Donation Income

Program Expense Ratio

This is the percentage of the charity's total expenses that are spent on its core programs. A higher percentage suggests that more money is going directly to the cause, rather than being spent on administrative or fundraising expenses.

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