Yokoshi Tomo No Kai (Singapore) logo


Yokoshi Tomo No Kai (Singapore)

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What does Yokoshi Tomo No Kai (Singapore) do?

Yokoshi Tomo No Kai (Singapore) is a charitable organization dedicated to promoting spiritual growth and well-being through various activities, including liturgies and community service. Their mission focuses on personal development, harmony, health, wealth, and international relations. They aim to serve God by establishing Dojos or Teaching Places worldwide.




lim chee chiang, tan wee peng, ng kwong mui, ng kim hong, chan mui tee, low chee chuen, lee boon li, lee wei sheng, yeo mee ling, chng sock cheng


No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildren


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1985
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Spiritual growth and self-improvement among members through practicing Mahikari No Waza, a belief system that emphasizes spiritual purification and understanding of God's spiritualism.
  • Promotion of harmony and peace in personal lives and relationships by studying how to lead happy lives based on health, wealth, and harmony.
  • Encouragement of members to integrate their faith with love, truth, and beauty, leading to a more fulfilling life.
  • Cultivation of unity among members through shared experiences and understanding of God's teachings.
  • Inspiring individuals to be a positive influence in their workplaces, homes, society, and international relations by serving as a light for others.
  • Establishment of dojos or teaching places worldwide to spread the belief system and promote spiritual growth on a global scale.
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