Jaafari Muslim Association (Singapore) logo


Jaafari Muslim Association (Singapore)

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Jaafari Muslim Association (Singapore) banner

What does Jaafari Muslim Association (Singapore) do?

The Jaafari Muslim Association (Singapore) promotes and advances understanding of Islam, particularly in accordance with the teachings of the Jaafari (Shia Ithna-asheri) school of law. They provide for social, economic, and educational needs among members while fostering cooperation, fellowship, and brotherhood through discussions, talks, and seminars. The organization also serves as a service-oriented association that provides assistance to charitable causes and helps raise funds for worthy institutions such as the Singapore Community Chest and Yayasan Mendaki. They work closely with Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura ("MUIS") and other accredited societies in uplifting Muslims' social, educational, moral, and spiritual well-being




muhammad raza zaidi, ali yousufali aladdin, sigit triyono, tayib bin alias, mohammad rosli bin hassan, mohamed asif husain, syed salman abbas




  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2015
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promoting and advancing understanding of Islam according to the teachings of Jaafari (Shia Ithna-asheri) school of law, uplifting social, economic, and educational needs among members.
  • Fostering cooperation, fellowship, and brotherhood amongst members through discussions, talks, and seminars.
  • Acting as a service-oriented association providing assistance to charitable causes and raising funds for worthy institutions such as the Singapore Community Chest and Yayasan Mendaki.
  • Working in cooperation with Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura ("MUIS") and other accredited societies and organizations in social, educational, moral, and spiritual upliftment of Muslims in Singapore.
  • Fostering good relations with similar bodies of other religions to preserve harmony and understanding
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