Every Nation Church (Singapore) logo


Every Nation Church (Singapore)

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Every Nation Church (Singapore) banner

What does Every Nation Church (Singapore) do?

Every Nation Church (Singapore) is a Christian organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, providing fellowship for believers, and assisting in the extension of His Kingdom. Their mission includes saving souls, propagating the Word of God, and edifying Christians' lives through spiritual teachings. The church also serves the community with socially responsible actions, reflecting their commitment to serving others as Jesus did.




rachel ong sin yen (wang xinyan), wong fei yen julia, mok shao pern, wong swee teck, lim whey yit, tony (lin weiyu), nels radley friets, edwin boldrey chan hsu, ong jon adrian tio




  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1996
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promotes spiritual growth and faith development among its members through worship, fellowship, teaching, and community service.
  • Provides a platform for Christians to gather together in the name of Jesus Christ and share their experiences and beliefs.
  • Encourages social responsibility by emphasizing the importance of serving others as part of one's Christian faith.
  • Supports local communities through various outreach programs, charitable initiatives, and community service projects.
  • Contributes to interfaith dialogue and understanding by engaging with people from different religious backgrounds in a respectful and compassionate manner.
  • Fosters personal transformation and character development among its members, which can lead to positive changes in their families, workplaces, and communities.
  • Offers resources for spiritual growth and Bible study, such as weekly life group materials and monthly

Donation Income

Program Expense Ratio

This is the percentage of the charity's total expenses that are spent on its core programs. A higher percentage suggests that more money is going directly to the cause, rather than being spent on administrative or fundraising expenses.

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