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Precept Ministries (Singapore)

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What does Precept Ministries (Singapore) do?

What does Precept Ministries (Singapore) do? Precept Ministries (Singapore) is a charitable organization dedicated to helping individuals establish themselves in God's Word through Inductive Bible Study Method. Their mission is to engage people in relationship with God by providing training and materials for inductive study, enabling them to discover truths on their own and live as exemplary followers of Jesus Christ.




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  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1994
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promoting spiritual growth through Inductive Bible Study, enabling individuals to establish a personal relationship with God and deepen their understanding of His Word.
  • Encouraging exemplary followership of Jesus Christ by helping believers live according to biblical principles in daily life.
  • Fostering a biblical worldview among its participants, enabling them to view the world through a lens informed by God's Truth.
  • Encouraging intentional discipleship and evangelism, as individuals are equipped with skills to study the Bible inductively and share their discoveries with others.
  • Strengthening the Church by providing resources and training for churches and Christian organizations, enhancing their ability to serve faithfully in the power of the Holy Spirit.
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