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Electronics Industries Training Centre

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What does Electronics Industries Training Centre do?

Electronics Industries Training Centre (ELITC) is a charitable organization dedicated to providing training and education programs for the development and advancement of the electronics industry. Their mission is to offer skills upgrading training and HRD consulting services, aiming to become a leading institution in employee training. ELITC offers various courses and workshops for all levels of workers, as well as job seekers in Singapore. By supporting ELITC, you contribute to the growth and progress of the electronics industry while empowering individuals with valuable skills and opportunities.




ho bee hee, voon choon yoon, foo siang peng kelvin, neo aik khiong, chong moi lan, c rajakumar, bala murali raghavan, koh sheau chia




  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1987
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Skills development: ELITC provides training programs for all levels of workforce, enhancing their skills and making them more competitive in the job market.
  • Technical advancement: By offering specialized courses like Pearson BTEC Level 5 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Course, ELITC contributes to the technical advancement of the electronics industry.
  • Human resource development (HRD): The mission of ELITC is to provide HRD consulting services to the industry, helping companies improve their workforce management and employee performance.
  • Employment opportunities: By offering training programs for job seekers in Singapore, ELITC helps create employment opportunities in the electronics sector.
  • Industry innovation: The application of Extended Reality (AR/VR/MR) techn

Donation Income

Program Expense Ratio

This is the percentage of the charity's total expenses that are spent on its core programs. A higher percentage suggests that more money is going directly to the cause, rather than being spent on administrative or fundraising expenses.

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