Church of Christ, Pasir Panjang (Chinese) logo


Church of Christ, Pasir Panjang (Chinese)

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Church of Christ, Pasir Panjang (Chinese) banner

What does Church of Christ, Pasir Panjang (Chinese) do?

Church of Christ, Pasir Panjang (Chinese) is a charitable organization dedicated to spreading the Christian faith through various means such as pulpit teaching, personal teaching, literature distribution, Bible correspondence courses, and organizing bible camps, seminars, and other activities. The church also provides opportunities for members to worship and study while promoting spiritual welfare in their community.




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No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildrenEducation


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2005
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Spreading Christian teachings and values through various methods such as pulpit teaching, personal teaching, literature distribution, Bible correspondence courses, and organizing bible camps, seminars, and similar activities.
  • Providing a platform for members to worship and study together.
  • Promoting spiritual welfare among the community by encouraging people to know God better.
  • Enhancing religious understanding and tolerance within society through interfaith dialogue and outreach programs.
  • Supporting local charitable causes, such as helping the poor, needy, and marginalized groups in the community.
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