Singapore Japanese Christian Fellowship, The logo


Singapore Japanese Christian Fellowship, The

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Singapore Japanese Christian Fellowship, The banner

What does Singapore Japanese Christian Fellowship, The do?

Singapore Japanese Christian Fellowship (SJCF) is a charitable organization dedicated to spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ and promoting love, knowledge, holiness, and comfort among its members. Their mission includes advancing their church's prosperity and spirituality, supporting its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrine, and contributing to the spread of the Gospel worldwide. SJCF also encourages family and secret devotions, religious education for children, and outreach efforts to save kindred and acquaintances. Members pledge to walk circumspectly in the world, maintain just dealings, faithful engagements, and exemplary deportment while avoiding tattling, backbiting, excessive anger, and being zealous in advancing their Saviour's kingdom




yamada mitsuru, takashi watabe, megumi suzuki, kato yutaro, nakamaru ikuko, ogino hiroko, yano fumihiro




  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1986
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promotes Christian love and unity among members
  • Encourages spiritual growth through knowledge, holiness, and comfort
  • Supports the Church's worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrine
  • Contributes to the spread of the Gospel worldwide
  • Fosters family and secret devotions, religious education for children
  • Seeks salvation for kindred and acquaintances
  • Encourages walking circumspectly in the world with just dealings, faithful engagements, and exemplary deportment
  • Discourages tattling, backbiting, excessive anger, and promotes efforts to advance the kingdom of Christ
  • Fosters brotherly love, prayer, support during sickness or distress, Christian sympathy, courtesy in speech
  • Encourages reconciliation and adherence to the rules of their
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