Himpunan Belia Islam (Muslim Youth Assembly) logo


Himpunan Belia Islam (Muslim Youth Assembly)

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What does Himpunan Belia Islam (Muslim Youth Assembly) do?

Himpunan Belia Islam (Muslim Youth Assembly) is a charitable organization dedicated to promoting and strengthening awareness of Islam among younger generations, in line with the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Their efforts include providing Islamic-oriented education, conducting beneficial activities for youth development, training potential young leaders, and actively participating in Islamic affairs. By cooperating with other organizations, they strive to create a better understanding and realization of Islam in all aspects of life




ahmad kumayl bin othman, muhammad haidar bin tayib, nurlyana bte mohd bahtiaraffandi, salehah binte buang, qatsier bin ahmad shwal, siti al zahra bte roslan, athar ali bin buang, imran bin ridae, muhammad al-baqir bin buang, aidil md idris


EducationHealth & WellnessChildren


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1989
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promoting and strengthening understanding and realization of Islam among younger generations and general public, according to Qur'an and Sunnah teachings.
  • Providing Islamic-oriented education, teaching, and culture through various activities and trainings.
  • Encouraging youth to become responsible individuals in their country, community, and religion.
  • Building up groups of efficient and capable Muslim workers (missionaries) with intellectual potentialities.
  • Taking active and constructive roles in Islamic affairs, particularly those involving Muslim youth activities through forums, seminars, goodwill visits, and publications.
  • Cooperating with other organizations on matters and activities that align with the Association's basic principle and objective.
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