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Phoh Kiu Siang T'ng

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What does Phoh Kiu Siang T'ng do?

Phoh Kiu Siang T'ng is a charitable organization dedicated to helping those in need and supporting social philanthropic causes, fostering unity among members while honoring revered deities through religious ceremonies.




tan eng khoon, lim ee hong, lee wee buang, chong yew hang, tay yeong kwee, tsang keng swee, soh ting song, tan chin tong, tan quay seng, lim hai hoy


Health & WellnessEducationFood Security


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1986
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Providing assistance to those in need, including financial support and other resources for basic needs such as food, shelter, healthcare, education, etc.
  • Promoting social cohesion by fostering a sense of community among members and encouraging them to work together towards common goals.
  • Supporting the local economy through charitable activities that may involve purchasing goods or services from local businesses.
  • Enhancing religious diversity and tolerance by promoting worship of various deities and rituals, which can foster understanding and respect among different faiths.
  • Offering spiritual support to members during times of loss or hardship through the performance of funeral rites and other ceremonies.
  • Contributing to cultural preservation by maintaining traditional practices and beliefs related to worship, rituals

Donation Income

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