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True Jesus Church (Sembawang)

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True Jesus Church (Sembawang) banner

What does True Jesus Church (Sembawang) do?

The True Jesus Church (Sembawang) is a religious organization that focuses on practicing, preserving and propagating the teachings of the True Jesus Church. They organize various activities such as religious, educational, evangelistic, charitable or other related events to achieve their objectives. Their mission includes upholding the Holy Bible's teaching for glorifying God and edifying mankind.




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Health & WellnessChildrenEducation


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2021
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Religious and spiritual guidance for members, promoting personal growth and faith development.
  • Community outreach programs that provide assistance to those in need, fostering a sense of compassion and social responsibility among members.
  • Educational initiatives such as theological seminaries or workshops, enhancing knowledge about religious teachings and values.
  • Promotion of charitable activities within the community, contributing to its overall well-being and cohesiveness.
  • Encouragement of evangelism and missionary work, spreading the church's message and beliefs to a wider audience both locally and internationally.
  • Establishment of branches in various locations, fostering unity among members across different regions and promoting the church's teachings on a broader scale.
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