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Channel Marker Evangelism Church

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What does Channel Marker Evangelism Church do?

Channel Marker Evangelism Church is a charitable organization dedicated to spreading the message of Jesus Christ, using biblical teachings as their guiding code of conduct. Their mission includes promoting social responsibility within the community and encouraging members to embody the divine nature of Christ in all aspects of life.




lee kee yang, francis cher chye teck, kelly yeo ai ling


No PovertyHealth & WellnessEducation


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2003
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promotes spiritual growth and moral values based on biblical teachings, encouraging individuals to become pure and holy in God's sight.
  • Encourages social responsibility by being part of the community and serving others through acts of kindness and charity.
  • Provides education on how to grow spiritually and be socially responsible based on the Holy Bible.
  • Fosters a sense of unity among members, promoting love, humility, mercy, justice, faithfulness, and gentleness in relationships with others.
  • Encourages individuals to embody Christ's divine nature through their actions and interactions within society.
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